The NFL Play 60 campaign is a program created to promote exercise and healthy eating in children of all ages. It is sponsored primarily by the National Football Association & the National Dairy Association, but collaborates with many different associations around the nation, such as schools and foundations of all kinds. They seek to tackle and eliminate obesity by encouraging children to exercise 60 minutes a day at least no matter what.
The NFL Play 60 released a statement recently, saying, ?Whether you’re a parent, educator, coach or friend, you can help make kids’ lives healthier by just getting them to go outside and play. This holiday season, have fun as a family and let your kids know that getting healthy starts with getting exercise. You can take your kids out for a game of good old touch football. All they need is 60 minutes of active play each day!?
It is incredibly encouraging and exciting to see an organization as powerful as the NFL putting their powers to good use by encouraging enthusiasm in child health and motivating children to be proactive in their own health. Recently, they are sponsoring contests for schools to earn grant money through participating in the program.
Check out more information at and encourage the children in your life that are interested in sports to check it out.